Friday 13 December 2013

An important example is the drug prednisone

An important example is the drug prednisone. There are estimates that half a percent of the population are using this medicine. Prednisone may cause side effects. You get prednisone required by, for example, rheumatoid arthritis, asthma or an intestinal disease. Kyle Leon the most professional fitness experts

The drug prednisone (a glucose corticoid) has a direct negative effect on the bone. In addition, prednisone is often indicated in diseases also entail an increased risk of (secondary) osteoporosis with it. The combination of the drug and the disease is the culprit.


If a person for more than three months at a daily 7.5 mg prednisone or more is used, the risk of osteoporosis large According to Professor Willem Elms of the VU Medical Centre especially those over 50 who fall into this category should be used for osteoporosis treated. Standard

"I strongly believe that the doctor prednisone prescribed, then a and vitamin D and calcium supplement should prescribe it's your job to protect the patient. whether you are a doctor or rheumatologist, but a patient. can pull the bell. "Natural self

Prednisone is the only drug that actually has a negative effect on bone. With other agents is less. The dressing is then quickly, and is even more complicated by the combination of drug and disease. Who is Kyle Leon?

Elms called antidepressants as an example. "Antidepressants may have effects on the bone, but a depression plays especially that many patients unhealthy life. they move less, eat less and get out much. Consequently, the risk of osteoporosis increases. "

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